Mothers are Forever

 Stubb You Are Strong

Attention Kids,

Mother’s Day is May 14th. Let’s celebrate her special day.

Who Cares?? Stubb, your mother is gone. I’ve never seen her or even heard about her. Who Cares???  

“TT, shame on you. Your words HURT.”

Sorry, Stubb, but it is true about your Mother.

“My Mother lives in my heart. I don’t talk about her, but she’s there.”

She must be very SMALL, little tiny tiny . . .

“Her memory lives in my heart and always will. I look a lot like her. I have her ears. One sticks up and the other ear flops down. I also have her round, brown eyes.”

Hmm, an ear and eye memory. He he he, very impressive, Stubb.

“The woman that owned us died and no one else wanted us. Mother went to the pound and I ended up dumped by the road.”

Did your mother say good-bye?

“Yes, she licked me on the nose and said, ‘Remember, you are strong’ Then she was taken away.”

Did you ever see her again?

“No, but I always remember her words; you are strong. Everyday her words speak to me. They encourage me and help me.

You’re rightIn our first book, Giggle and Go with Stubb to Italy, you saved Iris and Benjamin from drowning in the school mud ditch.

“I fought with the wild cats of the colosseum. The Gypsies made me dance at the end of a chain for money, but I escaped.”

True, very true, Super Stubb, you are a fighter and very strong.

“TT, words touch our heart and create special memories, or words can be MEAN. They make us sad and they’re hard to forget. Think about your words.”

Stubb, I’ll try to remember to say HEART words. Sorry for the MEAN words.

“If you’r going to change into a Terrific Tummy instead of a Terrible Tummy I’ll need to hear more heart words.”

Stubb, here come the HEART words. Here they come!!  I’m trying. I know I can do it . . . I .  I .  I’m . . I’m glad your mother is  forever and she lives in your heart.

Thanks TT.

Kids, don’t forget. CELEBRATE YOUR MOM.

Stubb and TT






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